awareness and education programmes

ask yourself...

Do you need to boost your organisation’s awareness on risk or governance topics?
Are employees tired of another email or online training course?

  • We offer generic or bespoke awareness and training programmes focused on specific risk topics or policies.
  • Our programmes are designed by identifying the key messages that need to be communicated to ensure that the relevant audiences are aware of the role they play in mitigating the relevant risk.
  • We explore different communication mediums to ensure a fresh, fun, creative way of bringing across the messages to the relevant audiences.
  • Our generic programmes include Cyber Security, Data Protection and Ethics. Contact us to tailor make a programme for specific policies or topics that you need roll out in your organisation.

we know what it means to have to implement practical, fit-for-purpose solutions that mitigate riskTiiša Group

examples of communication mediums used in our programmes

Tiisa Group -Business Continuity

Leadership messages

Equip your executives and senior management team with a reference pack containing relevant key messages on the topic.

Tiisa Group - Third Party Risk

Programme launch

Grab employees’ attention with a memorable programme launch

Tiisa Group - Cyber and Information Security

Board game

Playing stimulates brain areas that are responsible for complex thought and memory formation. Use custom made board games aligned to your awareness campaign message to invoke essential cognitive skills, such as problem solving and decision making.

Tiisa Group - 51% black woman-owned


Online training courses remain the backbone of any awareness programme. employees can take the course(s) at their convenience and management can have a reliable way of tracking completion of the courses. Use our generic courses request for specific content designed and based on your requirements.

Tiisa Group - Artificial Intelligence

General awareness

Continuous messaging in the form of posters, newsletter and Intranet content that employees see regularly. Help remind them of the role they play or emphasise important learnings from training courses or policies.

Tiisa Group - Enhance risk management skills

Quick Reference Takeaways

Consolidate key messages and takeaways in a creative reference guide that can be used and referred to whenever needed.

Tiisa Group - Fraud

Focused training

Face to face training sessions aligned to campaign messaging.

Tiisa Group - Control improvement initiatives

Awareness Conversations

Provide scripts for awareness conversations that could be facilitated by management teams.

Tiisa Group - A level 2 B-BBEE company

Animated screensavers

Use engaging animated screensavers to drive your messaging!

request a call back.

Would you like to speak to one of us over the phone? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also email us at or phone us at 082 824 9322/ 076 482 2179 if you prefer.

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